
Lake Elsinore topographic map

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Lake Elsinore

The rainfall until 1893 was greater than normal, and the lake remained high and overflowed naturally on three or four occasions during that time. The lake water was purchased by the Temescal Water Company for the irrigation of land in Corona. Its outlet channel was deepened, permitting gravity flow down the natural channel of Temescal Canyon to Corona for a year or more after the water level sank below the natural elevation of its outlet. As the lake surface continued to recede, a pumping plant was installed and pumping was continued a few seasons, but the concentration of salts in the lake, due to the evaporation and lack of rainfall, soon made the water unfit for irrigation and the project was abandoned by the company.

About this map

Name: Lake Elsinore topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, California, United States of America (33.61848 -117.42000 33.75678 -117.21678)

Average elevation: 1,742 ft

Minimum elevation: 1,175 ft

Maximum elevation: 3,530 ft