
Johnston topographic map

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About this map

Name: Johnston topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Johnston, Polk County, Iowa, 50131, United States (41.65268 -93.78511 41.75394 -93.66455)

Average elevation: 876 ft

Minimum elevation: 774 ft

Maximum elevation: 1,010 ft

Polk County trails, hiking, mountain biking, running and outdoor activities

Other topographic maps

Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.

Des Moines

United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 866 ft

West Des Moines

United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 919 ft

Windsor Heights

United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 892 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 807 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 942 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 965 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Because of its central location and relatively high altitude for central Iowa, two Doppler weather radar stations are located in Alleman: WHO-TV 13's First Alert Mega Doppler, and KCCI-TV 8's Super Doppler 8. A storm in July 2011 resulted in the radome from the Mega Doppler being torn from the structure and…

Average elevation: 994 ft

Pleasant Hill

United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 850 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 942 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 968 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 1,030 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 965 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 873 ft

Scott Avenue Dam

United States > Iowa > Polk County > Des Moines

Average elevation: 810 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 915 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 869 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 958 ft

Big Creek State Park

United States > Iowa > Polk County > Polk City

Average elevation: 938 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Like most of Polk County, Iowa, Ankeny exists at the bottom area of the Des Moines Lobe, a topographical landscape area, in an area known as the Bemis Advance. The Lobe was formed during the Wisconsin glaciation leaving significant deposits resulting in an area with low relief.

Average elevation: 932 ft

Polk City

United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 928 ft

Des Moines

United States > Iowa > Polk County > Des Moines

Average elevation: 889 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 938 ft

Jester Park

United States > Iowa > Polk County

Average elevation: 896 ft

Polk City

United States > Iowa > Polk County > Polk City > Polk City

Average elevation: 915 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County > Ankeny

Like most of Polk County, Ankeny exists at the bottom area of the Des Moines Lobe, a topographical landscape area, in an area known as the Bemis Advance. The Lobe was formed during the Wisconsin glaciation leaving significant deposits resulting in an area with low relief.

Average elevation: 948 ft


United States > Iowa > Polk County > Johnston

Average elevation: 860 ft