
Elizabethton topographic map

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About this map

Name: Elizabethton topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Elizabethton, Carter County, Tennessee, 37643, United States (36.30872 -82.25069 36.38872 -82.17069)

Average elevation: 1,729 ft

Minimum elevation: 1,457 ft

Maximum elevation: 2,785 ft

Routes: Carter County GPS tracks, routes, trails, hikes

The elevation at Elizabethton Municipal Airport is 1,593 feet (486 m) ASL (the highest point of elevation in Carter County is at Roan Mountain with an elevation of 6,285 feet (1,916 m) ASL), and the airport is located on the eastern side of the city along State Highway 91 Stoney Creek Exit. Elizabethton is also connected to larger commercial, shuttle, and cargo flights out of Tri-Cities Regional Airport northwest of Johnson City.