
Bierges topographic map

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About this map

Name: Bierges topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Bierges, Wavre, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1301, Belgique (50.69600 4.55374 50.73886 4.62193)

Average elevation: 272 ft

Minimum elevation: 121 ft

Maximum elevation: 423 ft

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Belgique > Brabant wallon > Nivelles > Wavre

Limal, Wavre, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1302, Belgique

Average elevation: 282 ft


Belgique > Brabant wallon > Nivelles > Wavre > Limal

Profondsart, Limal, Wavre, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1342, Belgique

Average elevation: 305 ft