
Albemarle topographic map

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About this map

Name: Albemarle topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Albemarle, Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, 28802, United States (35.59150 -82.56263 35.63150 -82.52263)

Average elevation: 2,356 ft

Minimum elevation: 2,021 ft

Maximum elevation: 3,084 ft

Buncombe County trails, hiking, mountain biking, running and outdoor activities

Other topographic maps

Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,280 ft

Haw Creek

United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,195 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,198 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,379 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,231 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,195 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,169 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville > Boswell

Average elevation: 2,159 ft


United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Average elevation: 2,133 ft

Royal Pines

United States > North Carolina > Buncombe County > Asheville

Royal Pines is bordered to the west by U.S. Route 25A and the city limits of Asheville, and to the northeast by Mills Gap Road. Brown Mountain, with an elevation of 2,996 feet (913 m), occupies the center of the CDP.

Average elevation: 2,297 ft