
Transylvania County topographic maps

Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.


United States > North Carolina > Transylvania County

Average elevation: 3,271 ft


United States > North Carolina > Transylvania County

Average elevation: 2,444 ft


United States > North Carolina > Transylvania County

Average elevation: 2,287 ft


United States > North Carolina > Transylvania County

Average elevation: 2,306 ft

Gorges State Park

United States > North Carolina > Transylvania County

Following the flood, local citizens eventually sold large land tracts in the Gorges to Singer Sewing Machine Company, which logged most of the land. Then, in the 1940s and 1950s, Singer sold the land to Duke Energy Corporation. The corporation purchased the land for its steep topography and high rainfall,…

Average elevation: 2,238 ft

About this place

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