
Raynham topographic map

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About this map

Name: Raynham topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Raynham, Bristol County, Massachusetts, 02767, United States (41.88302 -71.09270 41.99083 -70.99098)

Average elevation: 59 ft

Minimum elevation: 3 ft

Maximum elevation: 180 ft

Bristol County trails, hiking, mountain biking, running and outdoor activities

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Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 75 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 33 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

The highest point in the town is near its northwest corner, where the elevation rises to over 256 feet (78 m) above sea level north of Old Fall River Road.

Average elevation: 69 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Taunton has one major river, the Taunton River, along with its tributaries, including the Mill River and the Three Mile River. The highest point in the city is near its southwest corner, with an elevation of 207 feet (63 m) above sea level. Prospect Hill, rising over Lake Sabbatia north of the downtown, has an…

Average elevation: 72 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 112 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 154 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 62 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 154 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 138 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Taunton

Average elevation: 75 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Seekonk

Average elevation: 13 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Dighton is bordered by Rehoboth to the west, Swansea to the southwest, Somerset to the south, the Taunton River and the town of Berkley to the east, and the city of Taunton to the north. In addition to being bordered by the Taunton River, it also is bordered by the Three Mile River, a tributary which empties…

Average elevation: 59 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Seekonk

Average elevation: 46 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 62 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 98 ft

New Bedford

United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

New Bedford is located at 41°39′06″N 70°56′01″W / 41.651803°N 70.933705°W / 41.651803; -70.933705 (41.651803, −70.933705). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 24.1 square miles (62.5 km2). Of the total area, 20.0 square miles (51.8 km2) is land, and…

Average elevation: 69 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Swansea

Average elevation: 16 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 89 ft

Fall River

United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Fall River was the only city on the East Coast of the United States to have had an exposed waterfall in part of its downtown area; it flowed less than 1⁄2 mile (0.8 km) into a sheltered harbor at the edge of downtown. Fall River has two large lakes (originally one lake) and a large portion of protected…

Average elevation: 105 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Seekonk > Seekonk

Average elevation: 36 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 56 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Taunton > Oakland

Average elevation: 62 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Acushnet lies along the Acushnet River and its tributaries, including the Keene River and Squinn Brook, which feed the New Bedford Reservoir, in turn feeding the Acushnet. The Acushnet River is the town line between it and New Bedford south of Main Street. There are several other ponds in the town, including…

Average elevation: 69 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County

Average elevation: 112 ft