Howe topographic map
Interactive map
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Howe's elevation of 860 feet (260 m) is the highest point along US 75 between the Red River and the Gulf of Mexico.
About this map
Name: Howe topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Howe, Grayson County, Texas, 75459, United States (33.46537 -96.65025 33.53849 -96.59389)
Average elevation: 814 ft
Minimum elevation: 715 ft
Maximum elevation: 883 ft
Grayson County trails, hiking, mountain biking, running and outdoor activities
Other topographic maps
Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.
United States > Texas > Grayson County
Howe's elevation of 860 feet (260 m) is the highest point along US 75 between the Red River and the Gulf of Mexico.
Average elevation: 814 ft