
Middlesex County topographic map

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About this map

Name: Middlesex County topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States (42.15678 -71.89877 42.73647 -71.02038)

Average elevation: 262 ft

Minimum elevation: -13 ft

Maximum elevation: 1,283 ft

Massachusetts trails, hiking, mountain biking, running and outdoor activities

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Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.


United States > Massachusetts > Middlesex County > Lowell

Average elevation: 135 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Suffolk County > Boston

Boston has an area of 89.63 sq mi (232.1 km2)—48.4 sq mi (125.4 km2) (54%) of land and41.2 sq mi (106.7 km2) (46%) of water. The city's official elevation, as measured at Logan International Airport, is 19 ft (5.8 m) above sea level. The highest point in Boston is Bellevue Hill at 330 ft (100 m) above sea…

Average elevation: 85 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Essex County > Beverly

Average elevation: 56 ft

Pitt Hill

United States > Massachusetts > Franklin County > Orange

Average elevation: 955 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Essex County > Andover

Average elevation: 131 ft

South Essex

United States > Massachusetts > Essex County > Essex

Average elevation: 56 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Middlesex County > Lowell

Average elevation: 131 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Berkshire County

Pittsfield has a humid continental climate (Dfb). Winters are harsh due the city's high elevation at 1,039 ft (317 m), with an average annual snowfall of 75.9 inches (1,930 mm) and temperatures dipping to 0 °F (−18 °C) or colder 13 times per year. Summers, however, are typically warm and pleasant, with…

Average elevation: 1,421 ft

Cape Cod Bay

United States > Massachusetts

The Cape's lifeline is groundwater. Rain and melting snow swiftly sink into the sandy soils, where it pools to form a massive subterranean groundwater reservoir beneath the majority of the Cape. Groundwater continues to flow into and out of ponds, feeding streams, and flowing towards the coast, finding sea…

Average elevation: 0 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Dukes County

Average elevation: 46 ft

Mount Greylock

United States > Massachusetts > Berkshire County > Adams

Northern hardwood forest characterize lower and mid-elevations, while upper slopes are covered with balsam fir and red spruce as well as American mountain ash. About 555 acres (225 hectares) of old growth forest have been inventoried within the Greylock Range, including tree specimens up to 350 years old. On…

Average elevation: 2,448 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Plymouth County > Brockton

Average elevation: 171 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Essex County > Andover

Average elevation: 164 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Berkshire County

Average elevation: 1,329 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Bristol County > Seekonk

Average elevation: 46 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Plymouth County > Rockland

Average elevation: 154 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Suffolk County > Revere

Average elevation: 62 ft

Lake Massapoag

United States > Massachusetts > Norfolk County > Sharon

Because of the lake and the fact that Sharon is at a slightly higher elevation than the surrounding towns, and because it is located on the main rail line going south from Boston, the shores of the lake developed into a minor summer resort with several large hotels, summer camps and cottage colonies. Temple…

Average elevation: 276 ft


United States > Massachusetts > Norfolk County > Walpole

Average elevation: 217 ft