Saint Thomas topographic map
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Saint Thomas
Saint Thomas is located at latitude 18°05'N, longitude 76°40'W, to the south of Portland, and the east of St. Andrew. With an area of 742.8 square kilometres (286.8 sq mi), it ranks as Jamaica's ninth-largest parish. It is very mountainous, with ranges that include the Port Royal Mountains, stretching from above Newcastle in St Andrew, to Albion in St Thomas; the Queensbury Ridge, between the Yallahs and Negro rivers; and to the extreme south, an isolated ridge called Yallahs Hill, with its highest elevation 730 metres (2,394 ft) above sea level. The Blue Mountains form the northern border of the parish.
About this map
Name: Saint Thomas topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Saint Thomas, Surrey County, Jamaica (17.85024 -76.66813 18.09299 -76.18296)
Average elevation: 797 ft
Minimum elevation: -7 ft
Maximum elevation: 7,316 ft
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