
Burnet County topographic maps

Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.

Marble Falls

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 912 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,460 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,122 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,325 ft

Highland Haven

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 850 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 791 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,220 ft

Inks Lake State Park

United States > Texas > Burnet County > Burnet

Conservation Pool Elevation usually stays around 888.22 ft. msl; however, this lake does fluctuate about 1 foot annually. Inks lake water clarity can be seen as clear to slightly stained mostly throughout the year. It tends to have higher turbidity during the rainy season due to excessive amounts of runoff.

Average elevation: 965 ft

Lake Buchanan

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,191 ft

Rocky Point

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,056 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 823 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County > Bertram > Bertram

Average elevation: 1,220 ft

Inks Lake

United States > Texas > Burnet County > Laguna Vista

Average elevation: 981 ft

Spider Mountain

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 1,122 ft

Granite Shoals

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 863 ft

Cottonwood Shores

United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 810 ft

Double Horn

United States > Texas > Burnet County

The original settlement of Double Horn was established near the headwaters of Double Horn Creek in 1855, with the creek and town named for an incident where a pioneer found the remains of two bucks with interlocked antlers. It had a post office from 1857 to 1911, a school (the Double Horn School), a cotton…

Average elevation: 942 ft


United States > Texas > Burnet County

Average elevation: 873 ft

About this place

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